
Topics on Javascript

Learn the fundamentals of Typescript classes in no time

In this post, I will be discussing TypeScript classes, which is a big topic in Object-Oriented Programming. To start, I will go over the essential features of TypeScript classes. In future posts, I will delve into the topic in greater detail and cover how TypeScript implements OOP concepts such as Inheritance and Polymorphism, as well […]

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5 common ways of Type Annotation in TypeScript

What is Type Annotation? TypeScript is a statically-typed language. Hence, Type Annotation is an essential part of TypeScript that you need to be well familiar with. Type Annotations mean different ways that you can define types of variables, parameters, and return values of functions, and properties (of objects). There are many ways to do type annotation

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How to format JavaScript date and time with Intl.DateFormat

Intl Object in JavaScript Intl ( internationalization )is an in-built Object in JavaScript for language-sensitive formatting. It includes constructors for formatting strings, lists, numbers, and dates and times. In this post, I am going to talk about JavaScript date and time formatting with Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor. Intl.DateTimeFormat() Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor creates an instance of Intl.DateTimeFormat. You can

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