Author name: Dinesh

How to implement authentication for SSR pages & API routes in Next.js

Full-stack apps built with Next.js has three aspects of authentication: client-side authentication, server-side authentication, and API route authentication. I have discussed client-side authentication in a previous post. In this post, I will be discussing Server-side & API routes authentication in NextAuth.js. How does server-side authentication work? The browser sends a request with a user session

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How to set up authentication on the client-side in Next.js

Authentication in Next.js Apps falls into two broad perspectives Page authentication Client-side Server-side API route authentication Before you implement any authentication, you need to have a clear understanding of what data-fetching strategy you are going to use in your app. you can read about data-fetching strategies in the following posts. SSG, pre-rendering and getStaticProps server-side

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A simple & clear guide to On-Demand ISR in Next.js

What is on-demand ISR? On-demand ISR is a new feature added to the existing incremental static regeneration ( ISR ) in Next.js. Using ISR developers can reduce build-time in SSG. And most importantly, updating the cache periodically at a previously specified interval can resolve the issue of showing stale data on web pages. Although ISR

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